The semester is a third of the way through, and my experiences with UNIX continues. This week, we discovered more functions in C which will allow us to create more intricate programs and concatenate the outputs with other functions. Although learning what the new functions do might've been a pain, it was overall easy to create the program and push it to Git. We also learned how to view programs that are running in UNIX and the ability to run programs in the background while using the terminal. Although I am running Linux Mint and have a GUI interface that I can use, I have trouble trying to run numerous programs akin to how it works in Windows. Some programs can exit out randomly or crash without any warning and I have no idea why. For example, I'm trying to get Linux Mint to recognize my NVidia graphics card using Bumblebee, but I consistently keep getting errors that states that it can't find my GPU drivers (even though I have them installed). By trying to run programs through the terminal, I might be able to find the source of the problem and fix it. Hopefully I will be able to fix this using the methods that I learned this week.
That's it for this week. Let the UNIX learning continue.
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